Stiglitz, Joseph E.

Economics by Joseph E. Stiglitz and Carl E. Walsh - 4th ed. - New Delhi Viva Books 2010 - xlviii, 888 + A32 p. 25.5 cm.

Includes glossary and index.

PART I - INTRODUCTION -- Modern economics -- Thinking like an economists -- PART II - PERFECT MARKETS -- Demand supply and price -- Using demand and supply -- The consumption decision -- The firm's costs -- The competitive firm -- Labor markets -- Capital markets -- The efficiency of competitive markets -- PART III - IMPERFECT MARKETS -- Introduction to imperfect markets -- Monopoly monopolistic competition and oligopoly -- Government policies toward competition -- Strategic behavior -- Imperfect information in the product market -- Imperfections in the labor markets -- PART IV - ISSUES IN PUBLIC POLICY -- The public sector -- Environmental economics -- International trade and trade policy -- Technological change -- PART V - INTRODUCTION TO MACROECONOMICS -- Macroeconomics and the economic perspective -- Measuring output and unemployment -- The cost of living and inflation -- PART VI - FULL EMPLOYMENT MACROECONOMICS -- The full employment model -- Government finance at full employment -- The open economy at full employment -- Growth and productivity -- Money, the price level and the federal reserve -- PART VII - MACROECONOMIC FLUCTUATIONS -- Introduction to macroeconomic fluctuations -- Aggregate expenditures and income -- Aggregate demand and inflation -- The federal reserve and interest rates -- The role of macroeconomic policy -- PART VIII - THE GLOBAL ECONOMY -- The international financial system -- Policy in the open economy -- Development and transition -- PART IX - Further topics in macroeconomics -- Inflation and unemployment -- Controversies in macroeconomic policy -- A student's guide to investing

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