Hsu,Immanuel C.Y

(The) Rise Of Modern china by Immanuel C.Y.Hasu - 6th Ed - New york Oxford university press 2000 - 1052p 23.5


The Rise And splendor Of the Ching empire Political And economic Institution social and intellectual Condition Foreign Relation The Turn Of Dynastic Fortune: From Prosperity to Decline Foreign Aggression and Domstic The optium war The Taiping Revoluitin And The Nien and Moslem Rebellions Causes Of The Taiping Kingdom accelerated Foreign Imperialism Foreign Relation and Court Politics The outbreak Of war Causes Of the Ching Defent Reform and Revolution The peace Settlement social changes Economic Plight The Birth Of th Communist party The Nanking Goverment Sian Incident And the United Front The sino Japanese waR The civil war The Role of The United States the Sino Siviet Split The Danger of war The fa;ll of Piao And its Aftermath The Four Modernizations The End Of the Maoist age The crackdown At Tien An- Men The Chinese Model Of Development Chinese America Relation

9780195125047 9780195125047 Rs 3316.00

Ching Dynasty

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