Tannan, M.L.

Tannan's banking law and practice in India by M.L.Tannan - 20th rev and enl ed - New Delhi India Law House 2002 - cxx,1603p.+79p. 24cm

Includes appendix and index

The Reserve Bank of India and its role, International banking, The banking regulation Act,1949, Nationalization of banks, Banking organizations, Banker and Customer, Bankers as borrowers, Banking operations, Cheques, Payments of customer's cheques, Collecting Banker and customer's account, Employment of funds, Advances secured by collateral securities, Advances against goods documents of title to goods, Miscellaneous securities, Subsidiary services, Financing of Exports, Foreign exchange control, Industrial sickness, Special banking services, Documentation, Limitation periods for recovery of debts, Fraudulent Acts, IBA code for banking practice, Stamp Duty, Local banks, Dictionary of banking terminology 1605-1624

818714131X Rs.800.00

Banking law
