University of Calcutta

(A) Book of poems by University of Calcutta - 2nd rev. ed. - Calcutta University of Calcutta 1963 - viii, 146p. : 17.5 cm.

William Shakespeare That time of year thou may'st in me behold Remembrance Revolutions John Milton Lycidas L'Allegro Il Penseroso John Dryden A song for Saint Cecillia's Day Thomas Gray The bard William Wordsworth Lines composed a few miles above Tintern Abbey She dwelt among the untrodden ways I travelled among unknown men Three years she grew in Sun and Shower To the skylark Yarrow unvisited Yarrow visited Yarrow revisited Ode on intimations of immorality London, 1802 Samuel Taylor Coleridge France: an ode Christable, part the first Lord Byron The Isles of Greece Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Canto IV Percy Bysshe Shelley To a skylark To the night Stanzas written in dejection near naples Ode to the west wind John Keats Ode to a Nightingale La Belle Dame Sans Merci Ode on a Grecian Urn Lord Tennyson The lady of Shalott Break, Break, Break In Memoriam In Memoriam CXXIX In Memoriam CXXX In Memoriam CXXXI Robert Browning A grammarian's funeral The last ride together Matthew Arnold Shakespeare The scholar gipsy Rugby Chapel To Marguerite Dante Gabriel Rossetti The blessed Damozel Thomas Hardy The darkling thrush Afterwards Robert Bridges London Snow Francis Thompson The hound of heaven Daisy William Butler Yeats The stolen child The wild swans at coole Walter de la Mare The listeners Music John Masefield Sea-Fever A consecration Wilfrid Wilson Gibson Flannan Isle Wilfred Owen Anthem for doomed youth The send-off Spring offensive Wystan Hugh Auden Look Stranger Stephen Spender I think continually of those



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